Friday 18 January 2013

Ummah Children Academy (Nowshera, Pakistan)

House Construction

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has said: “Whoever builds a house for the pleasure of Allah, whether it is small or large, Allah builds for him a house in Paradise.” - at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibban, Abu Dawud, and Ahmad
Shelter is a basic right of man. Yet one in six people still lives in slums. At least one hundred million have no home whatsoever. Unending wars, droughts and famines in recent years are forcing many to leave their homes.
In areas in need of emergency relief, where houses have either been destroyed or damaged, UWT aims to provide basic housing for the needy.
Starting from temporary measures such as tents and basic 'shed' houses, UWT aims to help re-house people with added amenities such as running water and drainage.


£2,000 for one house


UWT constructs homes in Zamboanga city on the island of Mindanao. Muslim families live a 'hand to mouth' existence on the island and invariably on land that they do not own. Many are also forced face the fickle weather with no shelter. Many Muslims have suffered over the years because of persistent civil unrest. Unemployment amongst the community is high and there is a lack of access to basic health and education services.

Masjid Construction

The masjid is the heart of any Muslim community, providing much more than a place of worship. Many also offer Islamic education and are often a base from which essential community services are delivered.
The first and foremost duty performed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) upon entering Madinah at the time of emigration was to build a Masjid.
He said, ‘Whosoever builds a house (masjid) for the pleasure of Allah, whether it be small or large, Allah builds for him a house in Paradise.’ - at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibban, Abu Dawud, and Ahmad
UWT builds new masaajid or reconstructs damaged masaajid in several countries. You can donate the whole cost of the masjid or part of it. It is an excellent form of Sadaqah Jariyah as the donor can expect to receive rewards as long as the masjid is standing and as long as people worship there.

Country Price Type
India £10,000 Lillah Only
Palestine Any amount Lillah Only
Pakistan £5,700 (small), £11,450 (large) Lillah Only
Most Needy Any amount Lillah Only

Intrest (Riba)

“O you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what remains of your demand for usury if you are indeed believers. If you don’t, take notice of war from Allah and His messenger. But if you turn back, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.”  -  Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 278-279

Islam prohibits the taking and giving of interest. This presents problems in non-Islamic economic systems that are built on interest based finance.
But what should one do about the unsolicited interest accumulated in one’s own bank account? This moral question is one that confronts many of us.
Since it is not permissible to utilise interest for one’s own benefit one should give it to charity. Although there is no religious reward for doing so it at least disposes of the haram funds in a shariah-compliant way.

Included under this broad heading are earnings generated by not only the sales of haram items, but also halal items acquired though haram means such as lying to get welfare benefits or short-measuring customers.

Here the method of disposal is to return items to the rightful owners. If this is not possible because the owner is not known or any other legitimate reason, then the method of disposal is the same as that of interest money.

Income Generating Projects

It is better that a person should take a rope and bring a bundle of wood on his back to sell so that Allah may preserve his honour, than that he should beg from people (regardless of whether they give to him or refuse him.’
- Sahih al-Bukhari
Income generating projects allow autonomy and self-sufficiency. They help families secure much needed income with which to buy necessary food and medicines.
Ummah Welfare Trust believes in restoring the dignity and self-respect amongst poor Muslims and has striven to provide countless struggling families with the following means of generating income:
  • Sewing machines in Pakistan and Bangladesh
  • Livestock for breeding and dairy produce in Bangladesh, Somalia and Chechnya
  • Cycle rickshaws in India, Philippines and Bangladesh. Motor rickshaws are provided in Palestine
  • Small business start-ups in India, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Typical stalls include fruit and vegetable stalls, fish stalls, rice stalls and shops selling charcoal.
  • Greenhouse and bee-keeping initiatives in Chechnya.
The majority of targeted recipients in Ummah Welfare Trust's income-generating schemes are widows. In less developed countries, female-headed household tend to have less access to land or other resources to offset against any uncertainties they may face.
These households are invariably poorer anyway and are forced to compromise on education or medicines for their children in their pursuit of food.
Income Generation schemes are a source of Sadaqah Jariyah for the donor and lead to innumerable rewards. Many beneficiaries continuously send supplications of forgiveness for those who helped them start again.

Hifdh Course Sponsorship

Teach a Child the Holy Qur'an
The Qur’an is the beating heart of Islam. It is Allah’s revelation - “the guidance” -transmitted through the person of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to help people navigate their lives in accordance with the Divine Will.
As Allah’s Word the status of the Qur’an is unrivalled and for this reason Muslims from the dawn of Islam have striven to preserve its authenticity. The cornerstone of Islam, it also forms of the basis of all religious learning.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) emphasised the importance of providing education stating: “The best amongst you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it.” - al-Bukhari, at-Tirmidhi
Hifdh is the Arabic word for the memorisation of the Holy Qur’an. Ummah Welfare Trust seeks to continue this religious tradition by sponsoring students in various countries around the world.
Your support provides a student with the financial means to complete what is usually a three-year course. It is one of the best forms of Sadaqah Jariyah and the donor can expect to receive Allah’s blessings so long as the recipient remains alive. If the recipient has passed on his learning before his death, then the rewards continue through the vehicle of his students.
UWT will provide you with regular feedback about the progress of the student you sponsor including a detail sheet within 4-8 weeks of taking him on, and then an annual progress report.
To sponsor a hifdh student it is:
£15 a month or £180 a year in India
£25 a month or £300 a year in Palestine.

Gaza Hardship Cases

80% of Gaza lives below the poverty line.
An on-going illegal siege on Gaza has restricted food, medical supplies, fuel and construction materials. Palestinians are being denied the capability to function and are in a pitiful state.
High prices, squeezed incomes and overcrowding - all induced from sanctions - have also created a housing crisis in Gaza. Many families live in squalid homes and half-destroyed houses.
Ummah Welfare Trust is conducting surveys in the strip to identify families who are in severe hardship. With your help, grants of up to £5000 will be administered to each family.
Grants are used to repair and reconstruct dilapidated homes that many Gazans currently live in. Large families with little to no income are prioritised for these grants.
Ummah Welfare Trust is appealing to donors to give their Zakah, Sadaqah and Lillah for this unique project, where together we can provide to shelter to our brothers and sisters in blessed Palestine.