Friday 18 January 2013

House Construction

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has said: “Whoever builds a house for the pleasure of Allah, whether it is small or large, Allah builds for him a house in Paradise.” - at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibban, Abu Dawud, and Ahmad
Shelter is a basic right of man. Yet one in six people still lives in slums. At least one hundred million have no home whatsoever. Unending wars, droughts and famines in recent years are forcing many to leave their homes.
In areas in need of emergency relief, where houses have either been destroyed or damaged, UWT aims to provide basic housing for the needy.
Starting from temporary measures such as tents and basic 'shed' houses, UWT aims to help re-house people with added amenities such as running water and drainage.


£2,000 for one house


UWT constructs homes in Zamboanga city on the island of Mindanao. Muslim families live a 'hand to mouth' existence on the island and invariably on land that they do not own. Many are also forced face the fickle weather with no shelter. Many Muslims have suffered over the years because of persistent civil unrest. Unemployment amongst the community is high and there is a lack of access to basic health and education services.

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