Friday 18 January 2013

Masjid Construction

The masjid is the heart of any Muslim community, providing much more than a place of worship. Many also offer Islamic education and are often a base from which essential community services are delivered.
The first and foremost duty performed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) upon entering Madinah at the time of emigration was to build a Masjid.
He said, ‘Whosoever builds a house (masjid) for the pleasure of Allah, whether it be small or large, Allah builds for him a house in Paradise.’ - at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibban, Abu Dawud, and Ahmad
UWT builds new masaajid or reconstructs damaged masaajid in several countries. You can donate the whole cost of the masjid or part of it. It is an excellent form of Sadaqah Jariyah as the donor can expect to receive rewards as long as the masjid is standing and as long as people worship there.

Country Price Type
India £10,000 Lillah Only
Palestine Any amount Lillah Only
Pakistan £5,700 (small), £11,450 (large) Lillah Only
Most Needy Any amount Lillah Only

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